Google Currents for G Suite launching in July

In an email to G Suite administrators on June 4th, Google announced that “Currents” will become generally available on Monday, July 6. Existing Google+ users will be transitioned over to the “updated look and feel” and benefit from “additional features,” including content moderation and administrative privileges.

In beta for the past several months, Google Currents is touted as a place to “Engage employees. Have meaningful discussions. Stay current — together.” This internal community carries over the concept of “tags” and “streams.”

Currents makes it easy to have meaningful discussions by enabling leaders and employees to exchange ideas across the organization and gather valuable feedback and input from others — without flooding inboxes.

The user interface and experience is mostly unchanged with a home stream ordered by relevance (or chronology), while posts from company leadership can be given priority. Text, links, images, and other content from Drive can be shared, along with polls.

Admins can shape the discussion in the organization by creating custom streams to promote specific content to a targeted set of employees or the entire company. Additionally, admins can measure engagement across the platform with metrics to track usage and understand what content is resonating across the organization.

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Looks like they are after Slack and Microsoft Teams now :slight_smile: